Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Month of the Rosary

October 7th is usually the Feast of the Holy Rosary, but because it falls on a Sunday this year it will not be observed liturgically, but it deserves some mention, since October customarily is the month of the Rosary.
The feast originated after the naval battle of Lepanto in 1571.  Pope Pius V called on all Catholics to pray the rosary on the day when Christian forces faced the stronger Turkish fleet. (How did the Pope get the word out without a huge text alert or Facebook?) Amazingly the Christians defeated the Turks and the pope initiated the Feast of Our Lady of Victory to commemorate the event and give thanks to Mary for her intercession.  Three years later, the name changed to the Feast of the Holy Rosary in reference to the happy result of this powerful prayer.  This led to the dedication  of the entire month of October to the rosary.
What is the power of the Rosary?  Gradually, by meditating on the events in the life of Jesus during the recitation of each decade, a person experiences a noticeable peace and a slow movement toward Jesus, for the purpose of the prayer is not the rote recitation of the Hail Mary, but the focus on Jesus, always Mary's aim.  Through the rosary, one goes "to Jesus through Mary", which is the heart of the Marist motto, "All to Jesus through Mary", and the soul of its mission :"to make Jesus known and loved, especially to those most in need."  Today would be a good time to pray the Rosary, even one decade in order to be in tune with the "Month of the Rosary."
Bro. Rene

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