Wednesday, October 3, 2018


In this morning's five verses, Luke 9:57-62, Jesus makes it powerfully  clear that following him demands that he have first place over burying a father, bidding farewell to a family and in  remaining faithful to a promise. When we put our hand to the plow, that is, to being a disciple, there's no turning back. Yes, we must go wherever the fields are that need plowing, our nest cannot be so comfortable that we cannot leave it when called to do so, and family ties cannot interfere with our response to "do whatever he tells you." (Jn 2:5) It may seem frightening and intimidating to put our lives, our wills on the line so dramatically, but Jesus always gives us the strength to do so, even to the point of our own amazement as we discover that we are doing things, or going places we never thought we could do.  The love of Jesus and the grace of God make all things possible.  Let's not let our attachments stand in the way.
Bro. Rene

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