Friday, September 21, 2018

The Call To Conversion

In the Northern Hemisphere, the first day of Autumn arrives today, and although it might not make a dramatic entry, it signals a change in the weather, daylight grows shorter, and flowers die and leaves fall; a change that some welcome, and others dread.
This is also the Feast of St. Matthew, a tax collector turned apostle and evangelist:  a huge change in his life, but one he surely relished. The Gospel says "he got us and followed him." (Mt 9:9) The Greek work here for rose up, or got up is anastasis, the same word used in describing the resurrection of Jesus.  Levi was given new life, the resurrected life. Surely this change, this turning around, this change, was for the good.  As we proceed into Autumn, we might reflect on where we need conversion, and rather than fear it, embrace it, for it too is surely for our good.
Bro. Rene

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