Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sowing Seeds

The Sower and the Seed, one of the most well known of the parables Jesus used to teach, appears as the Gospel for today. (cf. Lk 8:4-15).  It brings to mind a huge problem that plagues the Catholic Church and other denominations and religions:  the passing on of the faith to the next generation.  The job is not being done well and despite efforts made in CCD and Sunday School, young adults and even those younger are not "buying it" to the point of making a commitment to live what they have been taught.  Today's culture is the thorns that are choking the tender growth of what teacher and parents are sowing. And, perhaps the sowers are not convincing enough in their actions, so that their words really don't take lasting root in the young.. Whether it's the culture of the lack of good example, the heart of the matter is that something radical needs to be done.  It's time for all of us to examine the depth of our faith and recommit to putting our words into fruitful, visible, convincing ACTION.
Bro Rene

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