Thursday, September 6, 2018

Into The Deep

How many times are we asked to do something we have already done (to no avail) or to do something which seems ridiculous or just  plain waste of time?  Such was the case when Jesus told the Apostles, who had been finishing all night with nothing to show for it, to "put out into the deep." (Lk 5:4).  Despite their "wisdom" and excuses, they did what Jesus said and filled their nets with a huge catch, a lesson they had to learn over and over again, as do we.  The image of a full net and the command to set out into the deep, whatever it is, a new position, a new responsibility, even a physical or mental challenge,  can help us realize that"the deep" is where God is and where what's best for us awaits us. It takes risk, faith, trust, and patience, but knowing from whom the command comes and from the experience of so many others who have followed it, may we at last learn not to fear "the deep", but to embrace it.
Bro. Rene

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