Monday, September 3, 2018

St. Gregory the Great/Labor Day

Liturgically, we observe the Memorial of Pope St. Gregory the Great whose talent bolstered by his Benedictine approach to life, prayer and work,  led the Church through difficult times with barbarians at the gates, enhanced church music, and inspired the faithful to greater piety and living of their faith.  He is a fitting model for those of us who are celebrating Labor Day, a day on which we give thanks for the ability to work, those with whom we work, and for those who have demonstrated and fought for the dignity of work.  It's more than just a holiday for bargain hunting, but a final day for family gatherings, relaxation, and reflection on all the blessings we have received from God, who never stops "working" for us.  Jesus invites us to come to him to rest our souls and let him help us with our "burdens" concerns, aches, pains, and sorrows.  He who worked tirelessly as teacher and healer also knew how to take time to refresh his soul.  May we find some of that time today.
Bro .Rene

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