Friday, May 8, 2015


At a time when is seems that our secular-humanistic culture is sweeping away all Christian values, attitudes and customs across our nation, came the National Day of Prayer, yesterday (sorry we missed it).  Evidently it was hugely observed with millions of people stopping their usual routines to take time to join together in Churches and even stadiums to pray and worship.  Despite the lack of media attention to it, it seems to have touched a chord deep within the hearts of the average American and the term "revival" was attached to it, so massive did the wave of faith sweep from sea to sea.
We might look at our own lives and see if there's a way we can revive our own prayer life.  Here are some suggestions and observations:
The formula is written for us clearly in II Chronicles 7:14 and God’s people are responding by the masses. He has called his church to:
  • Return to Him with humility
  • Pray unceasingly
  • Seek His face unconditionally
  • Turn from our wicked ways
  • Live in unity
  • And Persevere until His return
Many will look to the headlines to see if there is instant change in America as a result of this massive public outcry and what we must remember is that God will respond in His timing. Our prayers will not go unanswered. Like the disciples who waited 50 days for the promise of Christ to be fulfilled on Pentecost, we must be patient and remain mobilized and confident that the prayers of His people are powerful and effective and generations not yet born will praise the Lord, Psalm 102:18
Bro. Rene

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