Saturday, May 9, 2015


Part of the final admonitions of Jesus to his disciples as he prepared them for his permanent departure were warnings against being hated, rejected and persecuted.  "'No slave is greater than his master.'  If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you." (Jn 15:20). Not the most reassuring of farewells, but certainly realistic.  Persecution began in the lifetime of these disciples and all but John of the Twelve were martyred.  Through the centuries there have been varying degrees of "persecution intensity" but it is safe to say that it has been consistent. We are no different today, as we read of beheadings and burnings of Christians in our media.  Even in our own country, verbal and social attacks seem to be rising; it is certainly not "chic" to be a Christian.  Catholic Christians seem to be a major focus, despite the popularity of  Pope Francis.  This is all disheartening but challenging at the same time.  If we were not being persecuted, would we really be faithful witnesses to the Truth that Jesus gave us?  Do these challenges help us to delve more deeply into our beliefs to come to understand and defend them better?  Do they incite us to forgive, love and be more compassionate and patient?  There is always a good side to everything, even the worst; are we able to see it?
Bro. Rene

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