Wednesday, May 20, 2015

In The World

Jesus realistically prays that his disciples, who rightly belong "in the world" (Jn 17: 15) do not become part of the world.  World here meaning a set of values contrary to those given to us through Scripture and the teachings of Jesus, and in subsequent ages, the teaching of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit.  World would mean, self-centeredness, the pursuit of material wealth with no concern for those who have less, a "me first" attitude, a "get ahead" at any cost, dishonesty and destruction of anyone who stands in the way.  These do not make for a pretty world and are the work of the Evil One. Jesus is not denying the beauty of the world in which we find the revelation of God's magnificence.  He is not asking that we be protected from THAT world, but indeed that we immerse ourselves in it to come to a deeper knowledge and love of its Creator.   No, we belong to this world; it is there we find God and reveal him to others.  The protection we need is from those contrary "worldly" values promoted by the Evil One that in truth destroy the beauty intended by God.  Jesus became one of us, a part of our humanity and material world to redeem it and sanctify it; our job is the same.
Bro. Rene

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