Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Gift of St. Mark

Mark, the Evangelist, gives us a brief but detailed account of the sayings and doings of Jesus; his was the first Gospel to be written, usually attributed to the year 60 or thereabouts. Because of his close relationship with St. Peter, (Peter calls him his "son" (1 Pet 5:13), we have a better perspective on him than in the other Gospels.  Evidently, Mark also accompanied St Paul, referred to in Acts as "John Mark".  In his own right, he was a missionary, taking to heart the command of Jesus, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mk 16: 15). Tradition credits him with founding the Church in Alexandria, and he is today the patron of Egypt.
Mark's Gospel begins with the unequivocal statement, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God." (Mk 1;1).  There it is folks, "the Son of God"; make no bones about it.  He then jumps right into the testimony of John and the baptism of Jesus.  No time to waste...Get right on with it.   So to us, he says, the same.  What are we waiting for; why do we hesitate? Yes, we will have opposition, but after reading what Jesus did, we cannot delay in preaching the gospel by word and deed right now.!
Bro. Rene

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