Thursday, April 16, 2015

Feeding the Multitudes

Jesus paid such attention to details that he took care of feeding those who came to hear him and/or be cured.  He knew that without action indicating an understanding of the ordinary needs of his listeners, his words would ring shallow. Too often we can get lost in ideas or words while our audience is "dying of hunger."  Not so Jesus...cures, preaching, but above all, feeding!  Then how much more his lessons would make sense.  He used this technique when explaining the gift of his body and blood becoming the food and drink so necessary for our spiritual growth and nourishment.   The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes became a preview of a very difficult lesson to comprehend:  that his flesh would be our food under the appearance of bread and his blood, our drink under the appearance of wine.  This would not have gone over on empty stomachs.  Even with the miracle, there were some who scoffed and withdrew their allegiance to him. 
In our daily dealings with one another, attention to detail, to the needs of others, to what is real and concrete can make more of an impact than the best of b lofty intellectual arguments.   Lord, keep me real, keep me simple, help me to be sensitive to the people I serve so that I may feed them effectively.
Bro. Rene

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