Sunday, April 19, 2015

Faith Grows Slowly

The accounts of the Resurrection reveal the incredulity of the disciples, who cannot be blamed for their slowness to believe. Shortly before his own death, Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, but that was seen as a miracle worked by Jesus. HIs own resurrection seems to have gone beyond their experience and took time to "sink in"  Jesus had to assure them over and over that it was true, he had risen,  He ate in their presence, he invited Thomas to touch his wounds, he even cooked breakfast for them.  No, this was no ghost, but he had to "open their minds to understand the Scriptures" (Lk 24:45) and recall his own words about dying and rising.  It was only these post-resurrection reflections that helped them make sense of what they were experiencing.   It took steps and time to put it all together.
As we look at our own faith experience, is it not the same?  How slow we are to believe.  Indeed, we need repeated reflection, signs, assurances, just as the Apostles.  The Easter Season is for this, and the repetition of the Lenten/Easter Seasons year after year help our slow moving minds to move gradually toward a solid, invincible and solid faith.
Bro. Rene

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