Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Simple Prayer

Even in at the time of Jesus, multiplication of words kept people from really connecting with God deep in their hearts. And certainly, public praying aloud with all to see and "marvel" was and is not an effective way to pray.  Jesus admonishes his followers to pray in the secret of their rooms behind closed doors, and not to babble on and on, but "be still" and know the love and power of the Father. (cf. Ps 46:11).   Simple, quiet time BEING with God, being with Jesus, allowing the Spirit to pray within us, provide a peace, a harmony, an energy that allow anxieties to melt away and a confidence, an energy, a strength to emerge which enable us to accomplish more than we thought possible, for it is not we who are the doers, but God working through us.  Jesus tells us not to fret in prayer, "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him." (Mt 6:8).  Let that reminder guide us to a trusting, simple prayer.
Bro. Rene

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