Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Word of God Unchained

With chains and shackles on his legs, St. Paul wrote to Timothy to keep spreading the Word, which cannot be chained.  So, through the centuries, the "unchained Word" has been spoke from generation to generation, sometimes with great efficacy and success, and at others, apparently ineffectively and unsuccessfully.  St. Marcellin took up the challenge to rectify the effects of the French Revolution and to bring the Word to a generation of unchurched and sorely uneducated youth and today's Marists keep chipping away at the effects materialism, indifference, and weak leadership have had on today's Catholics.
It's a slow, undramatic process; no bulldozers, just hand chisles, yet progress is being made.
Last night at St. Matthew's in Windham, NH, Bishop Peter A. Libasci of Manchester, confirmed 49 teenagers who received the sacrament with reverence and understanding of their commitment.  Confirmations abound in parishes around the country, a sign of hope for the future.  We prayed that these newly confirmed would use the gifts the Holy Spirit brings to them to make a better world.  Let us also pray that the fire enkindled in their hearts might grow in intensity and enable them to grow in their faith and  to bring others to a deeper appreciation of and more faithful practice of their faith.
Bro. Rene

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