Monday, June 18, 2012

A Simple Answer

As we continue to honor our Jubilarians, a story which homilist, Br. Bill O'Donnell told, might provide a simple answer for us as well.  We all listened in amazement to the years, places, and good works that testified to the fidelity of these honored brothers, but this question was in the minds of many, "How did (do) you do it?"  A similar question was asked at a function Fr. O'Donnell once attended of a woman who had held the same job for 45 years. He told us that her answer was, after a little hesitation,"  Well, I just get out of bed every morning."  Yes, one day at a time, up and at it.  These "mornings" add up and before we know it, we have 25, 45, 50, 60 years under our belts.  Nothing spectacular, just day to day attention to our life's work, our life's calling.  As we begin this day, may we approach it as a gift, a first, and possibly a last.
Bro. Rene

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