Wednesday, June 20, 2012

For Greater Glory

A magnificent film, For Greater Glory, though being vastly ignored in the Northeast, appeared in theaters just a few weeks ago, but might not be available much longer.  It is unfortunate that this never before told story of a "religious war" in Mexico from 1924-1929 is being missed.  The courage and valor of people who were willing to die for their faith, not unlike the martyrs of the Roman Empire, is not only moving, but also inspiring.  No expense was spared in the production of the film, from a star-studded case, to James Horner's uplifting score, the accurate costuming and set design, an exceptional cinamtography.  With this formula, it should be a blockbuster, and perhaps it is in the Latino communities of the Southwest and California, but it seems that millions of dollars will be lost, and so will the opportunity for a good dose of what it takes to live the Christian Life not only when secular society undermines it, but a government forbids and persecutes it.  90,000 people died in this little-known war, and it did succeed in restoring at least tolerance to the practice of the Catholic faith.  Several of the main players have been beatified and canonized for giving their lives for Cristo Rey. The screenplay deals frankly with questions such as "What kind of God can let this happen?"  "Does God really care?" "How does one come to believe?"  If you can't find the movie in time to see it, you will find a taste of it at .  I saw the film yesterday, am GLAD I did (can't stop thinking about it) and shout from this electronic treetop:  GO SEE IT!
Bro. Rene

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