Friday, September 24, 2010


Central Catholic's administration, faculty and staff will be on retreat today, taking time apart to reflect on the theme, "We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe." With this being our 75th anniversary, we are looking at our beginnings, our roots. Brother Florentius, founder of Central Catholic becomes the focus, naturally. His vision of a central high school for boys to supplement the already existing parish high schools for girls, is what brough Central Catholic into existence. This vision consisted in looking at the needs of his time, and coming up with a solution, in this case, as in most, bold, daring, and innovative. He looked at his current situation and beyond...into the future. He would break from the parish high school model into a central, or as we would say today, a regional school. He looked beyond the French-Canadian community to include all ethnic groups in Lawrence at the time and set the tone to which Central Catholic has adhered since. His vision took faith, energy, and a loving trust in God, Mary, and St. Theresa, whom he chose as patronnes of his new venture. From there, or mixed in from the inception of his idea, was ACTION. It is this combination we remember and celebrate.
This template serves as a model for our current leadership and teachers. It is also a model for all who seek to follow Marist spirituality. Looking at the needs of the times and responding appropraitely to them stems from our earliest Marist roots: St. Marcellin encountered the dying Montagne boy, who knew nothing about God, and almost on the spot began to implement the idea of founding a teaching order of brothers he had had in the seminary. Bold, daring, innovative. How his vision and action has blossomed into an Institute of 3,700 brothers in 79 countries!
As we pray and experience insights which will respond to needs we see around us, let us not hesitate, but believe in the example of these two great men.
Bro. Rene
P.S. I will be away until next Wednesday, and cannot guarantee a Daily Bread posting till Wednesday. Will try to find a computer.

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