Sunday, September 12, 2010

Love Waits at Home

Home, a special place, a sweet place, a warm, welcoming place, a holiday destination praised in song, poetry and Scripture. What college student, service man or woman, or hospital patient doesn't long for it? Today's Gospel of the Prodigal Son teaches us that "love waits at home" and encourages us to return there no matter how far or long we have strayed or simply been away. In our hearts we know that home, family, cannot be replaced by the glitter of success, the enticements of money and power, the comfort of climate, or even the hospitality of friends. There is an innate "homing instinct" that draws us back to our roots. It must be because unconditional love is at the heart of a good home. If we think back to the many times our parents forgave us, stood up for us, welcomed us with open arms, listened to us, held us as crying babes who needed comfort, we have a reminder that we were born through love, and that love remains forever, no matter what.
So too and even to a greater extent, with our loving God who created us and holds us close, providing for ALL our needs and awaiting only our recognition of his love and our return to our heavenly home. On this sabbath, let us find the love that waits for us in church with our family of faith, and celebrate it con gusto with our families, or call some family member who is away and might need to connect with home. Let us show that love is alive and well and waits at home.
Bro. Rene

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