Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bless This Moment

Not many of us would consider loading or unloading the dishwasher a "sacred moment" but it can be if we bless it with the simple prayer, "bless this moment". How many routine tasks fill our day, from tying a shoe to turning out the light before going to sleep? We can make each one of these simple things holy by asking God to bless it. Often, the blessing will turn around frustration or impatience, as we are forced to stop or go into the other lane because a taxi has "thoughtfully" stopped right smack in our lane to pick up a fare, or a red light seems to take "forever" to change. Instead of cursing, we can turn to blessing, and oh, what a difference we experience! The common takes on a whole new dimension, and our days fill with the sacred. We usually try to put ourselves in the presence of God before praying...the sign of the cross, thoughtfully said, does that. But that same sense of "presence" can be obtained constantly as we go about our day. It takes time to "work this into" our routine, but it is well worth it. "Prayer changes things," a man told me this certainly does, and blessing the moment is the short prayer that can change night into day. Bless this moment.
Bro. Rene

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