Thursday, January 21, 2010


The more we reflect on God's fidelity to us, the more we understand our call, need, obligation to be faithful to God in return. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) to the present day, fidelity has been the earmark of the great heroes and saints whose lives show that such fidelity is possible. We remember St. Agnes today, whose fidelity to her vow of chastity brought her the crown of martyrdom. As Marists, we have our models in Mary, St. Marcellin and Marists who might be part of our lived experience. We see it in "pockets" of our Church where faithful gather for daily Mass, frequent Adoration, generous service to others, daily, ordinary (really extraordinary) fidelity to the Great Commandments: total love of God and love of neighbor as ourselves.
Tomorrow, the 37th anniversary of Roe-vs. Wade, thousands will march in Washington to witness to the need to be faithful to the obligation to respect life from conception to natural death. Such a march wouldn't be necessary if people understood and remained faithful to the sixth and ninth commandments. Indeed, fidelity to all the commandments would make prejudice, violence and wars, to name a few, obselete. A huge challenge to keep the commandments ourselves, and then by our words and example lead others to do the same, but in light of God's fidelity to us, and with the many who have done so and are doing so, it can be done and is not only worth the effort, but is the fruit of responding to the all-powerful, unconditional love of God for us. Dear God, help me to keep the commandments in response to your love, and by my fidelity, help others to do the same. Amen.
Bro. Rene
P.S. I will be in Washington for the March for Life, and will not be able to offer a slice of Daily Bread until Sunday. The above is plenty of food for thought for tomorrow and Saturday.

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