Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Waiting. Something we hate to do, something we are forgetting how to do. In our high-speed world where a mere touch of a screen brings instant action, the art and benefit of waiting are fast disappearing. We want instant satisfaction, instant response, nothing less. How then, can Advent, a time of WAITING make any sense? It would seem to have lost its frame of reference, perhaps even relevance in today's world. However, it really challenges our fast-paced life and beckons us to STOP, calm down, reflect, assess, feel, and awaken to the benefits that can accrue from waiting. A small acorn takes time to rise into a magnificent oak. A marvel of slow growth, reminding us of the need for time, yes, waiting, for the fullness of maturity. So too with our spiritual lives. We are not finished yet, there is, for most of us, a long way yet to go. Reflective waiting can be creative waiting as we see our inner puzzle coming together and in wonder, give thanks for what has been, and actively commit to what can be. Advent is really a short segment of waiting in the broader picture of our lives, but an important one. Take a few moments right now and be conscious of your inner self. What is going on in your life? How can you effectively, creatively WAIT today?
Bro. Rene

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