Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Loving Contemplation

After Juan Diego delivered the message of the woman whose miralculous image appeared on his rough tilma, to the bishop and ultimately to the world, he spent the rest of his life as a hermit near the place of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As we can imagine, this unexpected and spectacular event was THE transforming moment of his life, and his response was to ponder it for the rest of his days.
What an example of simple contemplation: to take an experience, be it of God directly, Mary, or God's goodness evident in the life of some good person we know, and just sit with it, think about it, get lost in it, ponder it, contemplate it. We think of contemplation usually as some ecstatic, out of body experience, but it isn't just that. No, it is more accessible to us, the ordinary Joe or Jane,than we think, if we simply quiet our souls and remember. The thought process slows down to a halt, and we allow ourselved to be enwrapped in God's love. St. Marcellin's Presence of God message, is just that: an invitation to experience the overpowering love of God. It's worth an attempt right now. Stop for five minutes, allow calmness and peace, memory and feeling to lead you to a contemplative moment. It will make a difference in your day, and eventually transform you.
Bro. Rene

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