Sunday, December 13, 2009


"Rejoice in the Lord always". "Gaudete in Domino semper." (Phillipians 4: 4) Often referred to as "Gaudete Sunday" from the Latin, Gaudete, Rejoice, or "Rose Sunday" because of the rose- colored vestments which move a bit away from Advent Violet toward Christmas White, the Third Sunday of Advent marks the half-way point in Advent and anticipates the joy of Christmas. Paul tells us to "have no anxiety, let our kindness be known to all, in prayer, and petition with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that suprasses all understandnhg will guard your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4: 5-7). Indeed the advice of John the Baptist for "behavioral modification" is simple, practical and within reach. (See Luke 3: 10-15). It is the blueprint for the Kingdom of God, upon which Jesus would later elaborate. No wonder his followers were "filled with expectation." Such guidance had to be heavenly inspired, the words of a likely Messiah. But no, John points them to Another.
Let us hear John speak to us, take Paul's advice as well, to rejoice, and truly turn our behavior, our focus, our hearts to that "Other", Jesus the Lord. Then "the peace which surpasses all understanding" be ours to enjoy and share.
Bro. Rene

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