Monday, May 11, 2015

The Advocate

Seniors in high school and college are in their final days of a four-year experience that has given them he peace and security of accepting the challenges that come with learning and growing.   Facing the end of time when guidance and protection surrounded them, provokes mixed feelings of pride, gratitude and a bit of trepidation as the unknown looms before them.  It's the same for all of us who face changes and transformations; we say goodbye to the familiar and hello to a new phase. 
Jesus, knowing human nature, prepared his disciples for the change,  his physical absence, and told them about the Advocate, the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father and will strengthen and testify to them when they experience rejection, suffering and even martyrdom. (cf. Jn 15: 25-26) 
Two thousand years later the presence of the Advocate remains.  As we approach Ascension Thursday and Pentecost we are assured that we will not be alone and will have the presence of God within us to help us face the unknowns, the challenge, the disappointments, the pains that might await us on our paths.   The Advocate will see us through it all.   Let us put our trust in him and nowhere else.
Bro. Rene

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