Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tumultuous Times

Reading headlines in our country and around the world, or listening to "analysts" trying to predict the future or make sense of what happened in the US elections, one gets the overwhelming impression that these are tumultuous times, to say the least.  Yet tumult is not new to our planet. Ben Sirah and other bililical writers experienced the same thing.
Our recent delving into the history of the Society of Mary reveals an era of revolution after revolution, widespread poverty and ignorance.  One wonders who could have had any kind of hope in such times.  Yet, Ben Sirach reminds us to "Consider the generations long past and see:/ has anyone trusted in the Lord and been disappointed?....Has anyone called upon him and been ignored?  For the Lord is compassionate and merciful; forgives sins and saves in time of trouble." (Sir 2:9-11),
So it was with St. Marcellin and Sister Jeanne Marie Chavoin, founder of the Marist Sisters.  They faced the tumult of their era and obstacle after obstacle, and their work remains today, thriving yet across the globe.  No, this is not a time for despair, but for enormous hope and trust in our God who hears and knows our sighing and stands by us to keep up from harm.  Let us again renew and pledge our trust in him.
Bro. Rene

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