Saturday, November 26, 2016

Come, Lord Jesus

As we end the Liturgical year and begin the season of Advent this evening, we will be hearing the Greek plea, "Marana tha," often in the next four weeks.  Yes, Come, Lord!  That we need Jesus as our Savior becomes more and more evident in the face of the false values and false prophets promising us  happiness and satisfaction.  We must not reject the beauty and comfort the material world gives us, for indeed, the clothing on our backs, the cars we drive, the mobile phones we use to communicate with one another have become necessities.  No, as long as we keep the material world in perspective, recognizing that it is there as a tool to enable us to live in peace and harmony with ourselves, one another, and with God, we are giving praise to God the Creator.  When we misuse these gifts,  when we make them into "gods", then, indeed, we need a Savior.  And he has already come. So, today and in  the weeks ahead before Christmas, let us examine our hearts, pray, reflect and make an effort to reach out to others to prepare a fitting welcome for the God who wishes to be with us and share his love with us.
Bro. Rene

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