Sunday, February 14, 2016


Temptations help us come to know who we are and force us to make decisions that reinforce our thoughts and words and turn them into action.  As Jesus was tempted during his forty day desert experience, his identity, announced at his baptism, "This is my beloved Son" was clarified:  he was not be a magician, turning stones into bread, nor would he worship anyone else but his Father, even though all kingdoms would be his and his work curtailed on the spot.  And neither would he provoke his Father by random acts of daring with no purpose other than to draw attention to himself.  No, as Son of God, obedience to the Father's will and fidelity to his mission to be the bridge between God and the human race, reuniting creature with Creator after the breech caused by the disobedience of the first man and woman, were his focus.
So too with us as we walk with Jesus in our Lenten desert:  we will be tempted, but focus on the Father and his will for us will help us overcome these temptations, strengthen our identities as his disciples and renew our resolve to live as Jesus taught us.  May we not fear these temptations, but embrace them as tools for our renewed Christian faith and life, which will become visible in our actions.
Bro. Rene

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