Friday, February 5, 2016

Sacrificial Love

Note:  Yesterday's slice should carry over to today, but since we have no school today, here is a brief bonus.

Matthew Kelly states the obvious (to some, but perhaps not to all) that "Life is a course designed to teach us to love." (Rediscover Jesus, p. 97.)  He describes the love of family members for each other, friendly love, romantic love and finally, totally unselfish, unconditional love, in Greek, Agape.  Jesus is the ultimate model of Agape, and he invites us to follow in his footsteps.  This can be a stretch for us, but certainly is not beyond our capacity.
Today we remember St. Agatha, about whom there are many legends, but again the core truth of her life is that she had this unconditional love for Jesus.  She suffered much for her faith and her commitment to chastity, from being placed in a brothel to having her breasts severed, and finally dying from her tortures.  We most likely will not be called to such extremes, but in loving and serving one another we might ask for the grace to love all with great abandon and unselfishness.
St. Agatha is invoked as the patron of sufferers and survivors of breast cancer, and for protection against earthquakes.
Bro. Rene

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