Monday, February 22, 2016

Peter's Chair

The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle dates back to the early Christian community in Rome when Peter would sit in a chair to welcome the newly baptized dripping wet, and anoint them with the holy chrism.  Even after his death, an empty chair would be brought out in his memory.  Over the centuries, naturally, the chair has disappeared but the feast is still kept to represent symbolically the teaching authority of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. We are reminded in today's Gospel that Jesus gave the keys of the Church to Peter and promised to build his Church upon this Rock:  Peter.  (cf. Mt 16: 18).  He entrusted Peter and his successors with the authority to loose and bind with the assurance that heaven would confirm these decisions.  In today's world of skepticism and relativism, we need to renew our faith and trust in this guarantee, asking God to help us stand firm in the Truth.
Bro. Rene

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