Thursday, February 18, 2016

"Ask and You Shall Receive"

We are good at the prayer of petition; it seems like it's the one we use most.  We are always asking, even pestering God, for something or for someone, and, maybe, from time to time, even for ourselves,  Does God mind?  No, he welcomes it...Not to ask would be to insult him, who like a good mother, always wants to provide the best for her children, and even, at times would be happiest if they would simply put their needs in her hands and, presuming she will take care of them, run out to play. God doesn't want us to be nagging beggars, but trusting children.  Our first reading from the Book of Chronicles chapter 12, presents the very eloquent but direct and simple prayer of Queen Esther, which can serve as a model for us.  In the Gospel, Jesus tells us to "Ask and it will be given, seek and we shall find, knock, and the door will open." (cf. Mt 7:7).  Let us not be bashful, but, I repeat, trusting children whose faith will tickle the heart of our Father, our Brother, Jesus and our Consoler, the Holy Spirit.
Bro. Rene

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