Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Note:  Yahoo was experiencing some technical difficulties all day yesterday, so I was not able to post a slice of Daily Bread. The Eastern Church, Catholic and Orthodox celebrated the Theophany...a great feast combining Christmas, the visit of the Magi and the baptism of Jesus by John:  all three were manifestations exposing the humanity and divinity of Jesus.

Today's Gospel recalls the storm that the disciples experienced after the feeding of the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus had told them to sail Bethsaida while he went off to pray.  The storm was bad enough, but seeing a figure walking on the water, whom they mistook for a ghost, scared them even more.  Jesus spoke to them above the noise of the wind and waves saying, ""Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid." (Mk 6:50).  The storm subsided and Jesus got into the boat to be with the men who had just witnessed the miracle of the feeding but, because their hearts were hardened, their faith yet undeveloped, the feared and doubted.  Jesus had obviously manifested his supernatural powers on land and sea, but his chosen, his friends, were still too blind to comprehend the presence of God with them.
So often in our own lives, we miss the manifestations of God's presence in the events and people around us.  We pray for the sick, or some special favor, and even when our prayer is granted, we still lack faith when something else arises that is beyond our control. Thank God, Jesus is as patient with us as he was with his disciples, but may our prayer today help us to open our eyes to the theophanies that bless us at every turn.
Bro. Rene

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