Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Lamp For My Steps

Note:  Apologies are in order for spreading the e-Rumor about the pending ISIS threats to Pope Francis and the Vatican.  A reader checked the story on and the Vactican website (which I should have done) and found it to be false.  If you did say a Hail Mary for Pope Francis, I'm sure he appreciated it; as it was, his greatest threat was from a typhoon which has cut short his visit to the Philippines).

"Your word is a lamp for my steps,
and a light for my path"  (Ps 119: 105).

Here's where we find the real truth, the truth that would move young Anthony of Coma in upper Egypt to sell all his property and goods, give the proceeds to the poor and go spend the rest of his long life, (he died at age 105) in prayer and fasting in the Egyptian desert.  It's what inspired movie director, John Ford, to make films that lift the soul, or what led a country boy to enter the seminary, and as a priest, found a congregation of teaching brothers, known as the Marist Brothers of the Schools.  God has spoken to us in Scripture and, taken seriously, it is the light that will guide us through the darkness in which we often find ourselves, and even change our lives and those around us for the better.  Young Anthony heard the  Gospel of the Rich Young Man, (Mt 19: 16-22) took it seriously and acted upon it. What do we need before we listen and respond with such courage?  May we take some time today to reflect on this passage  or  Mark 8:34-37) and  generously put it into practice.
Bro. Rene

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