Sunday, June 1, 2014

Making Disciples of Jesus

In some dioceses, the Transfiguration is celebrated; in others, it is the Seventh Sunday of Easter; in any case, we are getting close to Pentecost, the culmination of the Easter Season.  Before leaving the disciples for good, he commissioned them to make disciples of all nations, , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything he had commanded them. (cf. Matt 28: 16-20).  Some worshiped him, some doubted him, but all received the same commission: to make disciples, followers of Jesus.  That is, to learn to live like him, to be as much like him as we can, loving, forgiving, bringing hope and healing. 
The Church is making a concerted effort to carry out this mission, to bring the good news to those in our day who have never heard it, and to retrieve those who have turned away from it.  This morning a dear friend of mine, a solid and deeply committed young man, is doing just this at two Masses...actually speaking from the pulpit and inviting people to recommit themselves to Jesus, as he did.  Yesterday, he consecrated himself to Mary and was filled with the greatest peace he has ever known. It is by speaking with peace and conviction that he will stir up hearts and be an instrument of their return to Jesus.  Though our prayer, our time with Jesus, getting to know and be like him and through the peace which this relationship give us, we too can make disciples of Jesus.  Let's do what we can TODAY!
Bro. Rene

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