Friday, June 20, 2014


There's no question that the breakdown of the family is one of the major challenges facing youth today.  It's so overwhelming in scope that where to begin to address it remains a mystery.  Reflecting on initiatives taken in the past might give us some insight.
St. Edwin, a little known saint in this country, wanted to marry a Christian woman, but she refused unless he converted.  Being a man of integrity, he wanted to understand fully what it meant to be a Christian, sought council of his nobles and instruction from St. Paulinus.  When convinced that Christianity held the TRUTH he was seeking, he accepted baptism and married the woman of his dreams. He surmounted what could have a huge obstacle by taking one step at a time.
Similarly, St. Vladimir of Russia was baptized in order to marry the Christian daughter of the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire.  He was so impressed by the Byzantine liturgy that he converted, which meant giving up his five wives and 800 concubines!  What a change in lifestyle!
It seems and has been confirmed over and over again, that grace is the hidden factor that makes the impossible possible.  Prayer, effort, compassion, and insertion into the task of restoring and rebuilding the family one step at a time will result in the desired change.  Sts. Edwin and Vladimir, pray for us and help us with this huge project.
Bro. Rene

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