Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Prayer As Service

So many times a day people ask for prayers for someone who is ill, someone in grief, someone who has strayed; the list never ends.  A look at some of the pictures or comments on Facebook posted by young people we know makes us want to fall immediately to our knees.  We wonder where these people will end up. So we turn to prayer but question whether or not these prayers will have any effect. It seems that when we are just about ready to give up ourselves, we meet some young, faith-filled person whose face is an open door to the beauty and goodness in their soul and their light shines upon the shadows caused by our doubt and dissipates them. It's amazing how this happens time and time again when we need it the most.  It restores our faith and helps us to see the link that praying for others provides.  We benefit from the people who are praying for us and this encourages us to continue to pray for "the lost" or the suffering, having been reassured that prayers do work.  Yes, there is a great need for prayers and we shouldn't let our own discouragement or doubt stop us from offering this simple act of service to others.
Bro. Rene

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