Sunday, February 9, 2014

Light and Salt

Advent and Christmas were filled with readings pertaining the light:  light shining in darkness, the star guiding the Magi, Jesus as the Light of  the World. Again today's Gospel brings us the strong words of Jesus regarding OUR mission to be light for the world and salt for the earth .  (Mt 5:13-16). The light MUST shine before others that our good deeds by seen, and glory given, not to us, but to the Father.  Isaiah lists the good deeds in reading that we'll soon be hearing on Ash Wednesday:  "Share your bread with the hungry,/ shelter the oppressed and the homeless; cloth the naked when you see them,/ and do not turn your back on your own." (Is 58: 7)  He goes on to include the removal of oppression, false accusation and malicious speech (Is 58: 9), things that so subtly become part of our behavior.  Go to a hockey game and listen to the "fans." Oooh!  Being light and salt is not easy; it takes time, effort, sacrifice, boldness and daring. Rather than preach about it and not do it, it would be, according to St. John of the Cross, better to keep our mouths shut and divert our energy to prayer. Then the strength and insight would come and we might venture forth with confidence to remove the bushel basket and let our light shine.
Bro. Rene

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