Friday, February 14, 2014


Today is the day of hearts, red, heart-shaped boxes filled with chocolates, chocolates in the shape of hearts, hearts of diamonds, and red roses by the dozens, some in floral pieces in the shape of a heart.  All attempting to visualize love, which is always associated with the heart.  It's amazing how popular this day remains from the little that is known of the third century priest whose name blesses this day, Valentine. One story is told that he wrote a note to a young girl whose sight he restored and signed it, "From your Valentine", a phrase that adorns many a card today.
On a deeper level, we might use this day to give our hearts to Jesus through Mary.  One of her titles is The Immaculate Heart of Mary, and, of course, we revere the Sacred Heart of Jesus. If we give our hearts to Mary, she can transform them into the image of her Son's, for it is from her that he received his human heart. We can learn from her to welcome and love ALL who come into our lives today, in person, via e-mail, or a Valentine card...We can walk the extra mile for someone, or give our ear to someone who needs to talk, or say that extra prayer for someone in need.  This is a day not only to celebrate love, but to live it.  St. Teresa of Avila wrote:of it:
O soul of God hidden in sin,
What more desires for thee remain,
Save but to love and love again,
And all on flame with love within,
Love on, and turn to love again?
Bro. Rene

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