Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Praying for Others

Today's Gospel tells the story of the Canaanite woman, whose persistence in behalf of her daughter pushed beyond the protective shield of the disciples to Jesus himself, who, at first, seemed reluctant to grant her request. Yet her faith moved him to deal with someone outside the house of Israel and he not only cured her daughter, but praised her for her great faith. (cf. Mt 15: 21-28).
How often do people ask us for our prayers? It seems there is always someone sick or in need of prayer, and most likely, out of kindness, we agree to pray for them. The list grows longer and longer and sometimes stretches over years and we begin to wonder if our prayers are doing any good. Once in awhile we run into the person we've been praying for, even after years, and see that they are doing much better. These moments affirm the efficacy of prayer and encourage us to continue.
Another benefit from these lists of people, comes from pausing for a moment to see how they are a blessing to us, especially if they are people we know well. They are like the stars above, countless, but bright lights in some way in our lives. They make us appreciate how blessed our lives are because of their presence. We are richer for having them as the treasures of our lives. And even those whom we don't know, but are simply praying for, we'll meet someday, even if in heaven, and receive their thanks.
Like the Canaanite woman, let us be persistent and of "great faith". Jesus hears our prayers and marvels over us as he did over her.
Bro. Rene

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