Monday, August 5, 2013

Go, Make Disciples of All Nations

The theme of the 28th World Youth Days was "Go, Make Disciples of all Nations". Now that the pilgrim youth are filtering back to their families and parishes, it remains to be seen what kinds of "mess" they will stir up, having been challenged to do so by Pope Francis. He is leading the charge with his own example as daily he does something "outside the box", by simply being himself, a self imbued with the spirit and courage of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
We take for granted so much of what others fought for, as in the title, Mother of God, for Mary, or that Jesus is one divine person with two natures, divine and human, that the fire needed to "make a mess" needs a huge bellows to enkindle it. Youth can quickly become enthusiastic at such a gathering as the three-million strong World Youth Day, but sustaining the energy and enthusiasm will require the backing of our prayers and encouragement. May Mary, whose major basilica's dedication is being celebrated today fire us up so that we in turn may be there for our energetic youth.
Bro. Rene

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