Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bringing Fire on the Earth

The world, society, nations, communities, ourselves...all need a periodic cleansing, a radical purification. Jesus, in today's Gospel (Lk. 12-49-43) uses the image of a blazing fire which he is impatient to set. His world, as is ours, was filled with cruelty, violence, prejudice, injustice, deceit, and corruption. The violence in Cairo, human trafficking, the lies coming out of Washington and Hollywood, the epidemic of secularism and materialism, the Rwandan Genocide, the Holocaust, two world wars and the current war in Afghanistan, bear witness to the need for the change about which Jesus was talking.
St. Marcellin, facing the aftermath of the French Revolution, when education, particularly Catholic education had been greatly compromised, even eliminated, lit a fire which has spread from the little village of LaValla to 80 countries of the world. How can we in our time and in our circumstances enkindle this necessary fire? If each one of us lived the Gospel as Jesus gave it to us, taking to heart his words and example, a difference would soon be visible in our lives and in the circles in which we move. Gandhi found his study of Christianity astounding and captivating, but wondered why he had never met a Christian. There's always a first time. Let us today take up the challenge to bring fire on the earth.
Lord, set me ablaze with your message, so that your wish may again find fulfillment.
Bro. Rene

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