Friday, June 28, 2013

We Have the Power

If you noticed an abrupt ending to yesterday's slice of bread and thought something was missing, in addition to the misspelling of St. Alphonsus, you were right. I tried to post an image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and did not succeed, but blocked any further ability to complete the text. I apologize. The conclusion should have read: We as Marists have a special devotion to Mary, to whom St. Marcellin referred as our "Ordinary Resource"...our normal source of strength, courage, even material supplies; she is our own Lady of Perpetual Help." Today we reflect on the great gift of freedom of choice that God has given us. We walk daily with the freedom to choose the many options before us, the little and the help someone in need via a donation, visit, call or e-mail; to pray or not to pray, etc. I met some young adults last night who are in process of making some major choices regarding their future in marriage, priesthood or religious life. Some have come to this point after nearly "hitting bottom" because of drug and alcohol addiction. Yet, in full recovery mode now, and on fire with the love of Jesus, they have the strength and power to move ahead in a most positive way. Yes, we have the power, because God's grace is poured out on us in abundance by the minute, by the second. May we join with St. Paul in proclaiming, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13). Bro. Rene

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