Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The practice of fasting goes far back into the Hebrew Scriptures, when the prophets fasted in addition to their prayers.  Jesus himself fasted, and advised his disciples that some demons could be expelled only by prayer and fasting. (Mt. 17:21).  For the past 32 years, since her first apparition at Medjugorje, Mary has been advocating fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays:  a fast, if possible on bread and water alone.  Fr. Slavko Barbaric, then spiritual advisor of the visionaries, now deceased,  tells us that fasting is a means to bring us closer to Jesus and Mary, to grow in understanding of the poor and hungry of the world as well as to appreciate what we have as gifts for the journey, which are to be shared with those who have less.  It is also helps subdue our passions and cleanse us of bad habits.  When the stomach growls, the spirit reaches to heaven for strength and sustinence. Jesus tells us also not to look gloomy when fasting, but to "anoint your head, and wash your face, so that you may not appear to others to be fasting, except to the Father who sees what is hidden and will repay you."  (Mt. 6: 18).  There are so many needs in the world for prayers that the call to fast comes as a tangible way to add grit to those prayers. This being a Wednesday, might be the day to begin this holy practice.
Bro. Rene

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