Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jean-Baptiste Montagne Day

Today is the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, so the memorial of Sts. Simon and Jude is supressed.  Unnoticed in the liturgical year is today's anniversary of St. Marcellin's visit to the dying sixteen-year old Jean-Baptiste Montagne, an event which has huge signficance in our Marist Spirituality, since it prompted the young priest to move quickly on the desire he had had to start an order or teaching brothers.  Young Montagne had no idea of God, the sacraments, the after-life, Mary, etc...a situation which St. Marcellin found intolerable and sought with all the energy of his remaining 13 years of life to rectify.   We, his disciples, continue this mission.

The blind Bartimeus in today's gospel recognized his need for healing and reached out to the "Son of David" for it, and received it.  So many of today's youth, like Jean-Baptiste, don't even know what they are missing, for their lives are full of material things and values that are decent enough, though in some cases, not, to satisfy them. When they do hear, about Jesus, then, like Bartimeus, they reach out and are ready to receive.  In our roles as disciples of Jesus and Champagnat, it is our obligation to bring the healing knowledge of the faith, above all, of Jesus himself, to these young people, who, we hope, like Bartimeus, will throw aside their "security blankets" and follow him along the road.
Bro. Rene

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