Sunday, October 14, 2012

Groping For Something More

"Groping" has come to have a bad connotation these days, but the dictionary defines it as "feeling about blindly or uncertainly in search"--ie for the light switch, the doorknob...especially in the dark...  It seems the the rich young man in today's gospel, (Mk 10: 17-30) in asking Jesus for the key to eternal life, was groping for something more.  He had been keeping the commandments, the roadmap given to Moses for a happy life, but that was not enough. There was something missing and he was searching, groping, for something MORE.  Was it wisdom? was it a different way of life?  Was it a deeper relationship with God?  Jesus gave him the answer, one that he, however could not accept, for it entailed giving away his wealth to the poor and following Jesus.  A marvelous invitation, yet beyond his willingness to accept. 
Don't we all grope for something more?  "There must be something better than this" we say as we struggle daily with our surcharged routines that have us barely floating above water.  Yet, when the solution becomes evident, like the young man, we walk away sad, because we are wedded to the way of life we have chosen...for indeed, it is we who choose to  take on more than we can carry, or get ourselves into things that nearly bury us.  Our "wealth" to which we cling, is our own will, our own independence, or own, ego-centric drive to be all and do all, and we refuse to give it up, despite our longing for the perfectly balance life-style...which in the end is what Jesus offers if we follow him.  Lord, give me the wisdom and courage to accept your invitation to give up my "wealth" and follow you into the way of peace."
Bro. Rene
There will be no slice of bread on Monday, and maybe even Tuesday, as I will be giving a faculty retreat at Catholic Central School in Springfield, Ohio.  Please pray for us. Thank you.

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