Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not To Panic

While disasters fill the newpapers daily and more and more outrageous behaviors are reported in the media, we could easily fall into panic about the collapse of all that we hold dear and sacred. When St. Marcellin was born, just two months before the start of the French Revolution, the same thoughts must have occured to Catholics who attempted to hold on to the faith. The Reign of Terror brought about the deaths of thousands of priests and religious, monasteries and churches were destroyed or desecrated, and a militant secularism supported by the government spread like morning fog over France. Yet, from the little village of Marlhes, arose a man who grew up in the midst of this chaos, but who would help restore the faith and help rebuild the Church. Many religious orders were founded around the time of St. Marcellin for the purpose of restoring the faith. France "hit bottom" and there was no place to go but up. Death, resurrection; sowing in tears rejoicing with the harvest. Such is the pattern repeated over and over in history; so it is today. These rebuilder-founders set their sights on Jesus and with the help of his Mother, were able to do what we might consider "the impossible." Can we do the same? We have not "hit bottom" in our country yet; do we have to? Can we turn things around now? In our prayer, and at the liturgy, let us seek guidance and strength to see the role we can play, and above all, keep from panicking.
Bro. Rene

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