Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Joyful Love

St. Francis of Assisi, who is being honored around the world today, is one of the most popular figures in the history of the Church and appeals to people of all denominations and faiths.  A somewhat "watered down" image of him as the lover of animals or the patron of gardens, where his statue is frequently found, fails to capture the real St. Francis.  He certainly loved all of creation as his Canticle of the Sun reveals, but his life was far from sweet and easy.  His "joyful love" came from a total abandonment to God's providence, even when physical suffering was involved, or rejection by others, including his own Franciscans!  He endured much pain from the stigmata, the wounds of Christ embedded in his body...not just token openings, but as real as Jesus experienced from the nails, thorns and lance to his side.  His eyes weakened to the point where he was almost totally blind at the end of his life.  He saw his ideal of total poverty "adjusted" to meet the needs of those who could not live as he did. So, ownership of buildings, regular meals, university studies all became part of the Friars Minor  while its founder was alive and secluded with a few of his first followers on Mt. Alvernia. Yes, he kept his joy, an abiding joy that came from deep within, and welcomed as these adversities as brothers and sisters.  Sister pain, Brother Death could not destroy the strength of that joyful love. Lord, in the spirit of St. Francis,  may I strive for this same ability to maintain a joyful, loving spirit despite my own aches, pains, frustrations, and disappointments.  Thank you. Amen.

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