Saturday, October 29, 2011

"My Foot Is Slipping"

With all the talk of an early snow-filled Nor'easter predicted for eastern New York and New England, this phrase from Psalm 94, "My foot is slipping," seems rather appropriate as a base for our slice of bread today. The verse continues, "your mercy, O Lord, sustains me." (Ps 94:18). How often do we feel that, as one unshaven, untucked, disheveled senior said to me yesterday, "I am a mess."? There are days when from minute one of awakening, we knock something over, can't find something else, are late for this, forgot that; the whole days is off-kilter and we feel ourselves on a non-stop slide. It's worse when this happens with our prayer life, with our spiritual life. Can't seem to "connect" with God, monkey wrenches thrown in from all sides, lack of interest or ability to concentrate, no spiritual energy, a feeling of total isolation and inadequacy. Yes, these things happen but are quite normal. They are part of the human condition and they are part of God's pedagogy in helping us grow. For it's at those times that we realize we need to turn to God and humbly ask for mercy. Psalm 94 reminds us that God is the one who gives rest from "evil days", does not cast off his people nor abandon his inheritance. When we think our souls will soon dwell "in the silent grave", it's the mercy of the Lord that comes to our assistance. (see Psalm 94, 12-19). "All things work toward the good", St. Paul writes, (Rm 8: 28), a saving thought when we feel our feet slipping.
Bro. Rene

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