Thursday, July 8, 2010

Without Cost

In giving guidelines to his apostles (and to us) Jesus reminds them that "Without cost you have received; without cost your are to give." (Matt 10:8b). One of the primal principles of all religions is that no growth can be achieved without a total "emptying" of ourselves, without total submission to another, to THE OTHER. It becomes a life-long journey of emptying pockets, of letting go, of ending resistance, so that God might fill in the void and make it fruitful. For only in our emptiness, in our selflessness, can we admit that all is gift, and then be free to give "without cost." We merely pass on what we have received. People admire St. Francis for his joy, for his freedom of attachment to material goods, even family. Indeed, we envy him. Let envy turn to imitation. Let us take stock of "our things", our friends, our wills, our time. We become true apostles, true disciples of Francis, when we realize "they are not ours." God, grant me the eyes to see more clearly that all is gift, that you have freely given ALL, and let me be convinced and strong enough to give freely to those in need.
Bro. Rene

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