Saturday, July 10, 2010


Driving for three hours today over roads that were once as familiar to me as the streets of Lawrence are now, and looking at the wide open vastness to the horizon fifty miles away, I was flooded with memories of the years when this piece of God's creation was my "mission field." I was moved to gratitude for those years, those people and the treasure these memories are for me. Grateful too for the opportunity to able to retrace my steps, reconnect with people who were once part of my daily life, and in some cases, see he fruit of my labors.
While I'm reveling in these memories, my brother is keeping vigil at the bedside of his dying wife of 52 years (in November)...having time to remember, and give thanks for the beautiful life they shared.
In the larger picture of things, 50 years is a short time, and although memories grow dim or inaccurate with the passage of time, it is a blessing to be able to remember and see our lives before us. These memories span the years with ease and help us to see how intricate, detailed, and defined God's plan was and is for us. We again find assurance that nothing happened or will happen by chance. May our memories feed us today and bring us joy.
Bro. Rene

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