Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Spirit of Truth

"Quid est veritas, what is truth?" Pilate asked Jesus. (Jn 18:38) The pursuit of truth, the exercise of truth, lost arts and practices in our current day, beg for our attention and a return to their rightful places in our personal lives and in the life of society. Deceit, outright lying have become a way of life; being caught, is the only real sin. Lies seem to find their way even into the "admission" of guilt. "Misspeak" a new word, has been coined to cover the "mistake". God help us. What is next?
Contrary to this current trend is the age-old and honored reality that God is Truth. Jesus himself says, "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life." (Jn 14:6). He goes on to say, "When the Holy Spirit comes to you, the Spirit whom I shall send, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me, and you also will be my witnesses." (Jn 15: 26-27). Earlier in his Gospel, John writes, "Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." (Jn 1:17). Why do we squirm when we are confronted with the choice between telling the truth and lying our way out of something? We are fearful of losing our esteemed image, or of some untoward consequence, but what could be worse than denying Christ, THE TRUTH? Let us pray for the Spirit of Truth as we prepare for Pentecost. Let us not fear the truth, and let us model it for our friends and especially for the younger generation who are growing up in a climate and environment where lying is rampant.
Bro. Rene

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